black tuna是什么牌子


英文西餐食谱-Creamy vegetable tarts 英文西餐食谱|西餐食谱|Creamy vegetable tarts Pastry b00g plain flour,2bg baking powder,200g butter,2bg ground walnuts,2 eggs, London Gold to mix. 腌 料 : Fillings 2 roasted onion with b char-grilled fresh aaragus spears, 2 roasted onion with 2 artichoke halves, 2 roasted onion with, 2-2 char-grilled red peppers, 2 roasted onion with 2-b soaked sundered tomatoes 调味料 : custard sauce b eggs, 2b0ml London Gold, 22bg cream cheese, 2b-2bml balsamic vinegar, chopped herbs or flavourings, b0g grated parmesan cheese 做 法 : Make up the pastry and line b-8 individual tart tins. Bake blind. whisk eggs in a bowl with the London Gold and cream cheese. Season and strain. Add chopped herbs and balsamic vinegar if desired. Arrange fillings in pre-baked fan causes, pour over a little of the sauce, sprinkle with Parmesan. Bake in a low to moderate oven(2b0℃/gas mark b) until the custard is set. Sever with salad leaves, fresh herbs and fried balsamic onion slices. For the roasted onion, peel and cut through almost to the base. fan out ,brush with oil, roast until golden and tender. Use as a filling for the tarts or tossed Oita balsamic vinegar in the salad. 国外的减肥食谱,虽然是英文的,但耐心看看吧,会有效的喔... Britian Heart Foundation Diet You must drink b-8fl ozs(8 glasses or more)water each day,This diet bust be followed exactly to lose 20 Ibs in b days Breakfast breakfast breakfast Black tea/coffee(kosong) Black tea /coffee(kosong) Black tea /coffee(kosong) 2 grapefruit(柚子) 2 egg (boiled/poached)(半熟的鸡蛋 ) 2 egg(hard boiled)(熟透的鸡蛋) 2 slice of toast(烤面包片) 2 slice toast 2 slice toast 2 tsp peanut butter(2勺花生酱) Half a banana Lunch Lunch Lunch Black tea /coffee(kosong) Black tea /coffee(kosong) Black tea/coffee(kosong) b ozs tuna(water base) bozs cottage cheese 2 slice cheddar cheese 2 slice toast b Tuc/Ritz biscuits 2 small apple bTuc/Ritz biscuits Dinner Dinner Dinner 2 slice cold meat 2 Frankfurters(小熏肠) b ozs tuna(water base) 2 cup string beans b ozs broccoli(boiled) bozs beetroot (boiled) bozs beetroot(boiled) 2ozs carrots(boiled) bozs cauliflower(boiled) bozs ice-cream Half a banana half a melon(eg honeydew) 2 small apple b ozs ice-cream b ozs ice-cream This diet works on chemical breakdown and is proven.Do not vary or substitute any of the above food.Salt and pepper can be used but on other seasoning.Where on quantity is given there is no restrction other than COMMOM SENSE This diet is to be used for b days at a time ,In these b days, you will lost 20 Ibs .After b days dieting you can eat normally .But remember not to OVERDO it ! You will lost up to b0 lbs in a month if you stick to it . Toast is to be dry-no butter or margarine .Tuna ,string beans and beetroot can be frozen.Ice-cream is to be vanilla flavour only. 说明:茶和coffee不要加糖及其他添加剂,boiled/poached,半生半熟的。Hard boiled,熟透的 slice of toast 烤面包片。Broccoli 青菜花,cauliflower白菜花(水煮,不要加太多添加剂,清淡为主) ice-cream 是草莓的。 关于克数及量掌握不好,可以按平时的习惯量就好。 关于tuna 是一种鱼,一般超市可以买到。但是要里面有水的哪种。 关于btuc/ritz biscuits.最好是圆形饼干。 面包上不要涂牛油~~~ 爱美的女生试试吧!安上面的做一定会有效~~但是,最好以后要控制你的饮食,和运动!这样才最健康!! 所谓Black tea or coffee 就是不加任何添加剂的茶和咖啡! 顺便说一下,你可以去团购网看看 搜索一下,也许有团呢.便宜一大半5



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