

Infinity - Mariah Carey

Ooh Aah, Ooh Aah, Ooh Aah, Ooh Aah

Ooh Aah, Ooh Aah, Ooh Aah, Ooh Aah

Why you mad

Talkin' 'bout you're mad

Could it be that you just lost the best you've ever had

That's your bag

Yup, that's too bad

Show is over
You ain't gotta act

Name hold weight like kilos

Boy you actin so corny like fritos
Wouldn't have none of that without me, though
Ain't none of my business it's tea, though
Out of ammo
Gotta reload
If life was a game you're a free throw
It's nothing that you don't already know

Close the door

Lose the key

Leave my heart on the mat for me

I was yours eternally

There's an end to infinity
To infinity

To infinity

How I say this
Fact that you still exist
No disrespect

No second thought
Tt truly truly is
Truthfully I'm through with this
Why are we still doing this
Answer the phone like who is this
Take your head and knock some sense
Je ne comprends pas
Ain't no compliments

Ain't no being friends

Ain't no false pretense

Ain't no make amends

Ain't no come agains

That's the story ain't no happy ends

Close the door

Lose the key

Leave my heart on the mat for me
I was yours eternally

There's an end to infinity
To infinity

To infinity

Is it lack of ice got you so cold
Have you ever felt this on your own?

While you trying to play like you're so grown

Everything you own boy you still owe

Close the door

Lose the key

Leave my heart on the mat for me

I was yours eternally

There's an end to infinity

To infinity

To infinity

You're leavin
You're leavin
You're out the door

Infinity lovin me more and more

You're leavin
You're leavin
You're out the door

Infinity lovin me more and more

Cause I believe


Is more than just a made up dream

I believe


Is more than just a made up


Ooh Aah, Ooh Aah, Ooh Aah, Ooh Aah

Ooh infinity, Ooh infinity, Ooh infinity, Ooh infinity



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