


呵呵 ~~

这  个 也 不怎么好说    我 是专做牛仔

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从德克萨斯州金矿上出现的第一条牛仔裤开始, 牛仔风格在典雅与随意休闲间千变万化, 越来越多的人拥有着风格各异的牛仔服装。随着消费市场的不断扩大, 对牛仔面料的多品种、多花色要求也越来越强烈。针织牛仔面料以其独有的针织品特性, 诸如弹性、柔软性、透气性等优势, 深得消费者的追捧, 而在对针织牛仔服装进行拔白、磨砂、仿旧等风格处理前, 如何准确控制其水洗色牢度, 成为值得探讨的问题。 靛蓝针织牛仔面料的生产工艺: 1.工艺流程 纯棉纱→靛蓝染色→络筒→织造→后处理。 2 .生产特点 为了保证上机织造时靛蓝纱的色差最小,纱线采用经轴染色。这样, 同一根轴上的所有纱线在同一缸里染色, 确保颜色一致。然后将经轴上的靛蓝纱分别制成筒子,上圆纬机织造。在进行纬编组织设计时,尽可能选择布面结构接近传统牛仔布外观的设计方案。一般使用正面为靛蓝纱显露, 反面为纯白棉纱显露或者是靛蓝色里稍有露白, 这样更接近传统牛仔面料的风格。 3. 影响面料水洗色牢度的因素 靛蓝纱线通常采用还原染料染色, 这类染料不溶于水, 分子结构中含有羰基, 染色时需要在有保险粉的碱性介质中还原成可溶性的隐色体,而上染纤维经氧化后形成不溶性的染料固着在纤维中。染色过程要经过染料的还原和溶解、隐色体上染、隐色体氧化、后处理4个步骤。针织牛仔面料是由靛蓝棉纱与纯白棉纱共同编织的色织针织面料, 其下机坯布定形后未经过其他处理, 色牢度较差极易掉色沾色。因此, 水洗成为影响靛蓝针织牛仔面料色牢度的重要因素。 研究人员通过大量试验证明,在生产工艺过程中加强对坯布的水洗浮色处理, 可以提高靛蓝针织牛仔面料的水洗色牢度。(来源:纺织服装周刊)

四、牛仔洗水工艺 翻译(中译英)

In recent years the cowboy value has been more and more beautiful, embodied in the whole process of trousers and sales price can make the most satisfied if parties depends on whether there is a beautiful pants of comfortable feeling!

Cat whisker, is among the most common process of the most complex process, also can be divided into ordinary cat whisker, three-dimensional cat whisker, hand sewing cat whisker, monkey cat whisker, hand grasp cat whisker and resin cat whisker, including several as before, routine, and finally the cat whisker, also is the cat whisker resin on market now we see true stereo cat whisker, it has a strong anti-creasing effects, some proper proportion of resin for two years, it is also wear cat must catch with resin, the proportion of the pants in the most beautiful, can do this process depends entirely on the experience, master process technology innovation and management ability,

Production process steps:

1: semi-finished cowboy into technology department, grinding, hand wipe ordinary cat whisker etc

2: wash water sector inspection technology exists deviation, qualified after rinse and dry color

3: wash good impression of bull-puncher, into the potions master by the department for example resin full mixer quickly to determine the good formula, after soaking liquid, dry

4: drying to 80% of the cowboy, good resin dip into the department by the teacher on the test, if there is a problem ShuiBu wash immediately return can have serious water, the proportion of the days that can gently clean water again heavy dispensing water. Not until the potion. Damage cloth,

Five: the good pants for high temperature for furnace, the furnace should designate personnel to watch for about 20 minutes can come may be necessary to hand wipe, spray monkey

6: after water wash water, the teacher carries on the corresponding color after cleaning process is completed and all!

